Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the man without a facebook

It was a dark and stormy night... But the man without a facebook never knew this, for he had no eyes. How do I know, you ask? Because I was there... I mean, he couldn't have told me, could he? He had no mouth...

Well, that trash could go on for ever and never move an inch. So, facebook was a pretty simple affair. No technical difficulties whatsoever. I must say, I prefer the fact that it builds networks based more around ACTUAL friends rather than virtual friends. I liked the options of music, vids etc, that myspace offers, but was always turned off by the transitory nature of most people there. If you explored the groups there, there was an ugly trend called "trains" where people (complete strangers, or, maybe even just photos of strangers, as masks for lord knows who) would allow you to join their train if you had the correct photogenics, allowing you both to up your statistics to "567 friends", instead of the paltry 32 that you already had. Upon creating a facebook account, however, the very first photo I saw as "friend" was that of my oldest and closest friend since childhood, who remains as such now. That was really all the reason I needed to forget myspace forever. I'm sure though, that further exploration of facebook on my part, and perhaps development of it on theirs, will afford it many more possibilities from an aesthetic point of view.