Thursday, November 22, 2007

flickr, knave of dolphins

rats. tried using the "create a trading card" to include in the librarian trading cards, but either the function wasn't working, or the red wine had got the better of me. those who know me may, and i expect, will, jump to their own conclusions as to which of the two that would be. those who don't, i could use the benefit of the doubt.

flickr, king of the dolphins

well, after weeks of sheer laziness and even a bit of actual preoccupation, i've resumed my web 2.0 work. i had a quick look around flickr, everything was straightforward, and instructions were always close and clear if any problems were to have arisen. i didn't see any tags in the generic display "explore flickr with tags" that particularly interested me, so typed "siberia" and then "iceland" in the search field, and stumbled over some beautiful pictures of places i one day hope to see. there were a lot of very colourful pictures of the aurora borealis, geysers, baby blue wolf eyes, and assorted arctic lunacy, but i really love the simplicity of this little ice flo, so small and delicate, and doomed to obscurity save for the whiz who caught it on film and then kindly shared it with us all. a nice simple site to use, lots of interesting content, even only after 2 simple searches, and a nice sense of community between publishers and viewers. my initial irritation at having to sign up to yet another site, with yet another e-mail account, was happily bypassed with the aclelgar account which saved me the bother. in an exercise like this, the repetition of application forms is more hassle than i would care for, but if it was a one off, i would have no qualms about it. if i should get a digital camera, i'd happily use flickr, alongside , another great source of instant desktop wallpapers.

postscript: when i publish to my blog, instead of seeing the image on the screen, there's just a narrow rectangular box that appears above the text, and the little pointy finger appears when i hover on it. the link works, but no pic on screen, i don't know why. i repeated the process, but only ended up with a second rectangular box repeating the link. i decided not to worry for now, and move on to next section in order to catch up. if colleagues share tips, or further exploration yields a better result, i'll adjust it accordingly.