Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And the winner is... No-one!

Title sums it up. I tried, I really did. Is it just me, or do none of these applications from the awards list actually work, apart from what we've already used so far in the exercises? I tried the following: lulu, writeboard, thinkfree, mailemotion, arcaplay, frappr, & the broth. Not a bloody sausage from any of them. Don't know if it's a connection problem, if I'm doing something wrong, or if the sites have bugs. Guessing though, if they won awards, the bugs is ashes. One that looks like it may have worked however, is Onesentence, where you submit a true story that is only one sentence long. Elaborate sentence structures are permitted, but brevity is preferred. Quite a few funny entries amongst them. Even if i can't get it working from my end, they're fun to read.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there, it is the slowness of the internet that is the problem. Today seems to be a lot better and I can access all these sites