Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's, mama! and chunky...

Well, I have the luxury of computer and broadband at home, so having opened a account, I created the network badge, uploaded my firefox bookmarks into it, and installed the buttons on my browser. Dead simple process, takes a few minutes, but easy. What's good is knowing that when I'm away from home, all I need to do is (b)log in, and as well as a space to rant, I also have all of my most used sites right there at my pawtips. I really need to spend a bit more time exploring the possibilities of tags, but for now, I've at least got the idea down, and know how to shift the info from one place to another. The rest is just history that hasn't happened yet. And what I really like about the "import bookmarks" function on delicious as opposed to the same function on rollyo, IS THAT IT ACTUALLY WORKS. Bollocks to rollyo for that one. Their instructions wax lyrical on the wonderful compatibility between rollyo and firefox, but it failed every time I tried. First attempt at same task on delicious however, and voila, tutto posto.

so, this is how you do it, given you're using buttons and network badge...

Richarquis' 12 step plan.

1. Visit page of choice.
2. Decide to yourself, "Oooh, that's nice. That's very nice."
3. Congratulate yourself on your strength of mind.
4. Click "post to" button.
5. Have a wee dram. Just a wee one mind, the interweb moves like a cat.
6. Now, just look at that! The URL of that nice page is already typed up by the library moles that Dave Eggers told you about, and all you have to do is focus that strong mind of yours to creating tags for it.
7. Remember suddenly that the word "Emancipation," by some perverse twist of fate, not to mention semantics, could be a tag for Mariah Carey.
8. Make sure you never, ever use that word as a tag, lest you lead innocents astray.
9. Hit that button. The one that says "Save."
10. Log into your blog, and click your network badge.
11. Cut the title header off one of Mum's "Cosmopolitan" magazines.
12. Attach it to your forehead, and whoop, as you exert your Technurban® superiority over those around you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahaha, the best blogpost I have had to read in a while.

Have a gold star!