Wednesday, December 12, 2007

you tube, you embed, you don't get squat

This is getting ridiculous. Now that I finally get a result this evening, it's a half-baked one. Literally. I tried embedding the you tube clip, all steps same as previous html copy and pastes that I've done so far, but when I publish and view, only half the clip (left margin to half way across) is visible. Went back to editing to try to find a solution, but nothing seemed to work. I even tried to attach a screen capture for a visual of the widthly-challenged clip, but, just as with others I tried tonight, it wouldn't upload from my desktop. For the clip itself, which I'm very fond of, go to Vib Ribbon (English translation) on you tube, it's the intro to a very strange video game. The game is loaded into the playstation console, and the intro plays. The player then removes the game disc from the console and replaces it with their music cd of choice. The game adapts itself to follow the tempo and rhythm of the music, and the player must pass the obstacles in time with the music. The actual game play doesn't have as tight a synchronicity with the cd as the intro would lead you to believe, but who cares? The intro is worth it all by itself. La la la, la la la... Ohhh!!! Dooma doobie doobie doh...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We will still give you credit, very frustrating