Wednesday, December 5, 2007

roll, roll, rollyo, have you any wool?

Rollyo was relatively simple, although I was unable to get the "export bookmarks" function to work properly, even though my Firefox browser is supposed to be compatible. I followed all steps to the letter, only to end up with a blank page saying "done." When I viewed "page info" from my browsers "tools" tab it told me that "this page does not support the encrypted code." I decided to leave that step out, and simply create a searchroll from scratch. I was easily able to create one for Russian language news feeds from Novaya Gazeta (the Russian independent newspaper founded by Anna Politkovskaya, the journalist murdered in her apartment block in Oct 2006) and from the BBC Foreign Languages page, both links from my public bloglines feeds. I couple this with the Cyrillic keyboard I have installed on my home computer, and can then search for updates on politics or whatnot, but I am able to enter the names of Russian people, places, or events, without having to second guess for dodgy transliterations. For example, if I want to search for news about Нижняя Палата, (Lower House, in this context, political) I don't need to worry whether English transliteration would be Nijnaya, or Nizhnaya, or Nizhnaja, depending on different peoples interpretations of the Cyrillic script. And besides, even political updates looks sexy in Russian.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perseverance pays off - you're doing well with catching up, and hopefully your RSS/Bloglines account will serve you well.

Can you please update on:
-Week Three/Thing Seven (Technology)
-Week Four/Thing Nine (Library Related)
-Week Five/Thing Ten (Image Generator)